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the Healing & Purpose Blog
Why Now is the perfect time to heal your Mother Wound.
Do you know that if you struggle to receive from your mom, it also plays out in how much you can receive from the world?
Healing Generational Trauma: How Your Family's Past Affects Your Present Day Struggles.
Have you ever felt like you’re carrying burdens that aren’t entirely your own?
The Primordial Mother
The profound presence of the Great Mother came to grace the healing room today. Once again, an aspect of Her body I have never experienced.
Hestia and your inner fire
If you ask her to, yes. After so many years of immersion in spiritual practice, why was I surprised again to experience this as true?
Guinevere as clan mother
Can you shift your focus away from your own betterment, to that of your clan?
Psychodynamics of your Fourth chakra.
One of the unique aspects of my 4-year professional training in energy healing at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing is our study of...
How I Read the "Contents" of your Energy Field.
Once you understand the concept of "content" in your energy, you find yourself in the real work of healing and transforming your blocks.
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