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Family Constellations Group Healing

Heal intergenerational trauma and emotional blocks

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Tap into the power of community to heal inherited family trauma

and difficult emotions.

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In-person Groups


Next in-person group: (Wakefield, Quebec)


  • TBA​​​

  • Request a live group facilitation for 6-20 people in your area:​​​




Online Groups


Next online group:​


Image by Lanju Fotografie
How is transgenerational trauma - the unexpressed grief, the tragic losses, the unrequited loves, the wars survived, the unborn children, and the withheld tenderness of generations past - affecting you today?

Quite a lot as it turns out.

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Most of us don’t know it, but intergenerational trauma is the hidden source of your biggest personal and relationship blocks.

Which is why if you only address your challenges, physical pain, and struggles at the level of your personal self, or keep blaming your parents for their deficiencies, you will not get to the root cause and breakthrough to new ground.


It’s why you’ve done years of talk therapy, made amazing progress and learned so much, but are still stuck in some big areas.

It’s time to get deeper. It’s time to get to the source and trace the roots back to:

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your parents and their siblings

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your grandparents and their siblings

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maybe even your great-grandparents' struggles.

The stress, tragedy and trauma they experienced modified their gene expression. This is the science of epigenetics---how family beliefs, emotions, traumas and illnesses travel down your ancestral line through the markers on your DNA.


Those genes, with their adaptations of both suffering and resilience (there’s good stuff too!), were passed down to you.

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Your love imprint, money imprint, and health imprint, were all shaped by this inheritance and growing up in your family.

Unresolved traumas or stress held by your ancestors is passed down as blocked, contained, and distorted energy and unknowingly re-enacted by you, your siblings or your children in an attempt to be resolved and bring balance to your family system.

It’s an unconscious, unspoken cycle that is destined to repeat itself until someone breaks it.

And that’s exactly what we’re here to do.

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Welcome to Family Constellations work.

Family Constellations healing is the fastest way to get to the root of dysfunctional family patterns and core life issues that continue to replay in your body, your relationships and your life.
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Before I tell you all about these sessions, let’s talk about who this is really for. If …

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You’ve done therapy and learned a lot but still have major blocks that cause pain in your body or suffering in your life.

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Your marriage is strained, or you are living like roommates.

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Your parents are aging. You would like to feel a sense of resolution with them before they die.

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You're concerned about your children’s fate as you witness them struggling with big patterns or challenges with anxiety, relationships, mental health, addictions or finances.

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You have unresolved pain from your childhood. You've done good work in therapy, but it's time to go deeper to truly clear the stuck patterns.

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You have a health issue you know has its roots in stress or unresolved emotional binds.

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You have emotions that are stuck and repressed, overflowing, or entangled, which leaves you feeling shut down, out of control, or just unbalanced and edgy.

And you...

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Believe in community heart, compassion and our common humanity.

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Are well regulated and grounded enough to participate in a group and not need all of the attention on you.

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Can stay present in your body and have a quiet, private place where you can participate for the duration of the group without interruptions for online work (we do take pee breaks!).

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Need a way to access deep healing at a lower fee than working with me 1:1

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Inside my Family Constellations group healing sessions, I help you get beyond the progress you have made in therapy and personal development work.

When we work in a group, you will clearly see and feel the blocked energy flow in your family system that directly impacts you, your children and grandchildren, and your success in life and relationships.


​We navigate straight to the source and finally uproot the stuck energy at its origin point-- the unresolved intergenerational trauma that is being carried in your family system, your body and your emotions.

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I'm Shelley,

a professionally trained energy healer and certified Brennan Healing Science Practitioner.

I’ve helped hundreds people who feel drawn to personal healing and soul-level work, go straight to where the blocks are in their energy field and body and clear those blocks out.


I can help you get at the blocks that conventional therapy overlooks.


I've helped many people get beyond the progress they have made in therapy and personal development work by adding the profound work of Family Constellations to my training as an Energy Healer and trauma resolution facilitator.


Family Constellations work is rooted in 50 years of development with facilitators all over the world. The simplicity, clarity, directness and power of the work is sacred and will impress you deeply.

Sometimes you need more than talking to bring full resolution to the pain you carry.
You need a group of soulful, smart peers and an experienced guide to help you untangle the ties that bind you.

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Thank you for the invite to the group Shelley. I’ll admit I was terrified but you are so incredibly supportive and a real gift to the world in the compassionate way you hold space.


The work really resonated for me. It’s what I've been sensing for a long time in terms of inherited trauma and my nervous system being on high alert 24/7. I just never found any kind of peace in talk therapy despite trying so many modalities. I feel like I’m understanding a bit better why that might have been.

Thank you so much.


Courtney Holmes

Birth/Postpartum Doula and Family Support Network

Image by Hannah Busing
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Here’s what happens in a Family Constellations group:

We come together in a group of 5-15 people, online or in person, to shift and heal your biggest stuck patterns and find compassion in our shared human struggles. 


Why do work in a group versus individually? Working in a group is the classic way that founder Bert Hellinger developed the work. It can take you further and deeper than one-to-one work.


Using a very simple and elegant process, we step into the living energy field of your family system. I guide you to help one another do deep soul level healing in your family systems.


This work brings unconscious inherited family trauma and patterns into the light to be resolved. 


You will be moved by the big energetic shifts that can occur and see we are all part of the human family, working to bring forth love more for ourselves, and our children, and make our world a softer place.


Together our intentions and energies amplify and illustrate the work with greater clarity.

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Online Groups

Once a month we come together online to shift and heal your biggest stuck patterns,​ find compassion in our shared human struggles, and change the world while we do it!


Each month I teach around a special theme and bring specific ways to help you work on that aspect of yourself. If you are new to constellation work, start here.

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Astonishing synchronicities happen in the group that contribute to healing for all who attend.
This is the magic of community energy.
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In-person Groups

3-4 times a year, we gather to do a full-day of deep constellation processes. This is the most potent way to learn and participate in this work. If you are ready to move mountains, join us.


Next in-person groups: ​

To be announced. 

la Grange Country Inn, Wakefield, Quebec


​Fee: $187 CAD


Request a live group facilitation for 6-20 people in your area:


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Here I am learning what would otherwise not have come to my awareness. Now I can see it and feel it, I know it can be healed. This work has released so much for me that was buried deep inside.




live full-day constellations group 2023.


  • Who was Bert Hellinger, the founder of Family Constellations work?
    Although I never had a chance to work with Bert directly, he is one of my heroes. I missed him when he came to Ottawa, Canada in 2000! He had the courage, ingenuity, intuition and insight to develop this work by directly observing what arose when he invited people to step directly into the living energy field of their family systems. This body of work, now referred to as Systems Theory, is over 50 years old. Bert himself taught well into his 80s and died in 2019. I am being trained by the next generation of practitioners who learned directly from Bert.
  • Will online groups be recorded on zoom?
    I sometimes record the group for my own learning purposes. You will not be sent a copy of the recording after the group. We agree to confidentiality so that all participants feel safe to share the deep issues they bring for healing resolution.
  • I'd like to try this, but I'm nervous to come for the first time.
    Everyone is nervous to show up their first time to a group of strangers! Heck...I'm still nervous everytime I offer a group. You will find that your nerves dissipate quickly as we get into the work. Everyone always leaves feeling deeply moved by our universal human struggles. You are welcome to just witness the first time you come. You will still be in the energies and receive benefits, and you can check out the magic first hand.
  • Is this group therapy? How is it different?
    We are not working at a psychological level in this work, we are working at a deeper soul. This is not group therapy. Conventional group therapy involves a lot of talking and sharing about your story of what happened. We actually don't talk a lot, and we don't get into the story. I just need a few facts about your family history to know where to track the blocks to and how to help you heal them. Big emotions will come to the surface but are elegantly held by the collective energy of the group and the work.
  • Can I invite a family member, my partner, or a friend to attend with me?
    Yes. I would love to reach more people with this important work. Here are a few things to consider before you invite them: It doesn't work well to invite family members that you have outstanding issues with. Family members you are generally in a good way with, and who are personally interested are fine. Family members you are trying to fix with the process=not fine. This is not the same as family therapy. It's great to invite your romantic partner, but we won't work on your relationship in the group unless I'm already working with you as a couple and have gotten to know you both. It's a good place for your partner to learn about how the process helps in such a direct and powerful way. I can work with the two of you in couple sessions on your relationship. Folks who attend may have strong emotions or issues that are up in their life, but they need to be able to be present, grounded, and mature enough to be in a group setting. I don't do constellation work with folks under 25 years old. For those younger than 25...send their parents! You need to be comfortable going into your own process in front of your invitee. You need to be comfortable witnessing your friends' process if they decide to do their own work.
  • I’m intrigued, but I have more questions. How can I ask them?
    Simply email me at
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See how it works.

In this constellation, Bert Hellinger, the founder of Family Constellations work, explores the theme of adoption.

(This video was recorded in the 80's. There is an error about 5 minutes in you can fast forward past.)

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Do you still have outstanding issues and patterns that are repeating and defeating you? Let's go find the source and unblock them.


​You need more than talking.


You need to be able to clearly see and feel where the real root of the unresolved pain is and have the compassionate presence held for what was not held with love before--in your life, in your parent's lives, in your grandparent's lives.


Together, we gently engage the energy blocks directly and allow them to come to peace.

I'm ready to experience the work.
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​Want to see Family Constellations in action before you step in?

Watch one of my monthly Family Constellations group healing and witness how we tap into the power of community to unearth the unconscious patterns that are the the hidden source of your biggest personal and relationship blocks.

Want to work with me, but not quite ready yet for a group setting?

Work with me 1-on-1 first in my Transform Pain to Purpose healing package (PSST … you’ll get to attend 3 Family Constellations group sessions for free.)

Image by Zoe
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