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the Healing & Purpose Blog

the 9th Level of Soul Nourishment: your Emotional Body

This artist's impression of your Emotional Body is from Barbara Brennan's book Hands of Light. You can see the clouds of colour or your emotions and the colours we normally identify with your chakras.

How can you get your needs met on every level of your being in 2025?

As we count down the 12 days of Yule or Christmas, I’m guiding you through your 10 Levels of Soul Nourishment:

December 20: the VOID

December 21: your Core Star

December 22: your Hara.

December 23: KETHERIC BODY.

December 24: CELESTIAL BODY 


December 26: ASTRAL BODY

December 27: MENTAL BODY

Today's level of soul nourishment is your EMOTIONAL BODY. It is the 2nd level of your auric field. 

This artist's impression of your Emotional Body from the book Hands of Light, shows the pastel clouds of colour and the colours we usually associated with the 7 chakras.

What is your EMOTIONAL BODY?

  • This level of your aura holds your feelings or emotions about yourself.

  • Every energy movement here correlates to a feeling you are having about yourself.

  • It looks like bright colors of cloudlike energy in pastel colours. The colours are clear and bright when you are having positive feelings about yourself.

Your needs on this level:

  • You need self-acceptance and self-love.

  • You need to relate to yourself in a loving, positive way.

the 9th Night of Yuletide: Get drunk on self-love.

December 28th.

The midwinter tradition of Mari Lwyd, is part of ancient Welsh folklore.

In this Welsh tradition, the skull of a horse is placed on a pole with a white cape hanging behind her making an unsettling sight. She is often decorated with ribbons with a Christmas bauble in her eye socket, but her skull is usually left bare.

Traditionally, men would carry this eerie figure to pubs and homes where they play a rhyming game with the owners in exchange for entry. Mari Lwyd offers a verse of playful insults (pwnco) and those inside the house must respond with a rhyming insult. If the homeowners falter, Mari Lwyd is invited in for drinks, food, and mischief! 

So basically, this is an otherworldly pub crawl!

Rather than getting drunk on wassail today, top yourself up with cups of compliments!

Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself what is awesome about you.

Get into the habit of really acknowledging what you do well, where you are kind. 

Today I am writing some spoofs of traditional Christmas carols to sing to my family, who I will see on the 28th. By changing the lyrics to funny anecdotes about my relatives, I hope to make them all laugh, and fill their emotional bodies up with mirth!

How is connecting with your EMOTIONAL BODY helpful?

When you avoid letting your consciousness and energy flow on this level of soul nourishment, it can become blocked and create blockages in your physical body.

If you allow feelings to flow, positive or negative, your aura keeps itself balanced. Negative feelings will be released and transformed.

When you stop your flow of feelings, the clouds of energy here become stagnant, undercharged, dark and dirty related to your unexperienced feelings.

Feeling good about yourself, helps you to put yourself out into the world with confidence in relationships, work, play, and your community. You feel you have something valuable to offer–your own goodness!

How can you connect with your EMOTIONAL BODY?

This one is easy! Just pay attention to how you are feeling. Wait…maybe that is not so easy? 

It helps to slow down and take some time and space. Many of us fill up our schedules and overwork in order to avoid feelings. Our favourite addictions also help us to stay away from what is too hard to feel. I reach for the chocolate. What do you reach for?

Journalling is a good way to begin. You are writing down your thoughts and feelings about what is unfolding in your inner and outer world.

When you feel you have a lot of emotions stuck on this level that overwhelm you, or you have stuffed away, it’s a good time to seek help in therapy or by doing healing work.

I’m very good at tracking what is moving in your energy field. In 1:1 healing work. I will help you drop into your own body sensations and energy field so you can find the clouds of emotion that are heavy and blocked and allow them to discharge, move and clear.

I will also teach you a special way to journey back to times when you were younger, and hurtful things happened that are still frozen in your energy field, in order to heal and tend to these emotions. 

In Barbara Brennan’s book Light Emerging, chapter 11 guides you through your emotional body. She shares many ways to practice self-love.

In the Soul Nourished Woman journey in 2025, I am taking 10-12 women on a journey to absorb the contents of this book and embody it so you can apply it to your own well-being and soul unfoldment.

Would you LOVE to have a day of retreat for yourself, the 4th Sunday of each month to immerse in the 10 Levels of Soul Nourishment: one level each month? It's like a day spa for your soul and energy field!

We go into EMOTIONAL BODY in June 2025. 

The INTRO WEEKEND for all (women) to attend and taste the journey is Saturday night January 25 & Sunday, January 26th. Save the date! Enrollment for the intro weekend will open soon!


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