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the 1st Level of Soul Nourishment: Black Velvet Void

The foundation of your being begins in the energy dimension we call the Black Velvet Void at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.

Before there was something, there was nothing...out of the unmanifest the manifest forms emerge.
Before there was something, there was nothing...out of the unmanifest the manifest forms emerge.

What is the Void in your energy field?

  • The unmanifest or pre-manifest form of energy/consciousness.

  • Creative potential is all there but has not taken a form yet.

  • It feels very still, silent, deep mysterious and beyond words.

  • Barbara Brennan used to drop into the Black Velvet Void when she treated cancer.

  • I can drop into this energy body/state and presence it for you during healing treatments. I've done a lot of this work with my women's circle the Soul Nourished Woman.

Is the Void the Zero-Point field in quantum physics? Barbara Brennan thought so, and she was an astro-physicist before she was a healer.

"Zero-point energy refers to random quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic (and other) force fields that are present everywhere in the vacuum; in other words, an 'empty' vacuum is actually a seething cauldron of energy."

Don't forget, your physical body is composed of cells, molecules, atoms...and atoms are mostly space. In fact the 'particles' that appear to exist in an atom randomly appear out of the void and disappear back into it. 

You are the mystery!

How is connecting with the BLACK VELVET VOID helpful?

  • It is very peaceful and restful. It replenishes you.

  • You connect with the feeling that the meaning of life is much deeper than all the busy-work of our modern lives.

  • It is deep Yin, the dark Goddess, the divine feminine.

  • You are a deeper, more mysterious being than just your 'doing' and 'being productive.' You are inherently connected, potent, and valuable in pure presence.

  • Vesseling the Void fulfills the part of your Life Purpose to presence the deep feminine/yin here which is part of the healing and re-balancing of our planet. You become a grounding point for this presence and embodiment.

  • HEALING: no healing is needed here, you either have connection or you can’t be aware of it yet.

  • I think the Void is the same consciousness as the immortal Tao and what Buddhists call Emptiness.

How can you connect with the VOID?

In the Soul Nourished Woman journey in, I take 10-12 women on a DEEP NOURISH journey.

We will meet once a month to immerse in the 10 Levels of Soul Nourishment: one level each month.

We spend one month exploring the VOID.

I can also do this work with you in 1:1 healing sessions if you are longing to "meet" the deep yin energies of the dark goddess, or primordial womb held in your own energy field.


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